breast, infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the

Головна / Dictionary / breast, infiltrating lobular carcinoma of the

breast, Paget’s disease of The combination of scaly skin on the nipple that resembles eczema and an underlying cancer of the breast. The nipple is inflamed because of the presence of Paget’s cells, large, irregular cells that are almost always associated with cancer in the breast. In Paget’s disease, the nipple and areola (the area surrounding the nipple) are typically red, inflamed, and itchy. There may be crusting, bleeding, or ulceration. The nipple may be inverted (turned inward), and there may be a discharge from the nipple. Paget’s disease of the breast accounts for a small but significant minority of all breast tumors. It usually occurs in women in their 50s, but it can occur at a later age. It is very rare in men. Also called Paget’s disease of the nipple.