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CREST syndrome

Головна / Dictionary / CREST syndrome

CREST syndrome A limited form of scleroderma, a disease of connective tissue that involves the formation of scar tissue (fibrosis) in the skin and sometimes also in other organs of the body. “CREST” is an acronym for Calcinosis (the formation of tiny deposits of calcium in the skin), Raynaud’s phenomenon (spasm of the tiny artery vessels that supply blood to the fingers, toes, nose, tongue, or ears), Esophagial dysmotility (esophageal involvement by the scleroderma), Sclerodactyly (localized thickening and tightness of the skin of the fingers or toes), and Telangiectasias (dilated capillaries that form tiny red areas, frequently on the face and hands and in the mouth, behind the lips).