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joints of the body, principal

Головна / Dictionary / joints of the body, principal

joints of the body, principal The principal joints of the human body include the following: acromioclavicular ankle (tibia-fibula and talus) atlantoaxial atlantooccipital calcaneocuboid carpometacarpal elbow (humerus, radius, and ulna) femur and tibia hip bone and femur intercarpal (proximal carpal, distal carpal, and the two rows of carpal bones with each other) intermetacarpals intermetatarsals interphalangeal intervertebral joints knee (femur, tibia, and patella) manubristernal metacarpophalangeal metatarsophalangeal radioulnar ribs, heads of ribs, tubercles and necks of sacrococcygeal sacroiliac shoulder (humerus and scapula) sternoclavicular sternocostal subtalar symphysis pubis talus and calcaneus talus and navicular tarsometatarsal temporomandibular tibiofibular ulnohumeral wrist (radius, ulna, and carpals)