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Головна / Dictionary / meningomyelocele

meningomyelocele Protrusion of the spinal cord and the membranes covering it through a defect in the vertebral column. The defect is due to failure of the neural tube to close during fetal development. The infant has a hole in the lumbar spine through which a skin-covered sac containing the meninges and part of the spinal cord bulge. It may be suspected prenatally if the mother’s serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is elevated, and it can be confirmed via ultrasound. Surgery is done to repair the defect and, if needed, a shunt is inserted to treat hydrocephalus, which may also be present. Folic acid intake during the childbearing years lowers the risk of bearing a child with meningomyelocele. Also known as myelomeningocele. See also alpha-fetoprotein; meninges; neural tube defect; spina bifida cystica.