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mucopolysaccharidosis One of several inherited metabolic disorders that affect carbohydrate use by the body. Abbreviated MPS. Substances derived from carbohydrates that are called mucopolysacchardes, or glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), accumulate in body tissues because the body lacks the specific enzymes needed to metabolize or digest them. This accumulation damages and distorts tissues, stunts growth, limits muscle and joint movement, and may cause mental retardation. MPS is believed to occur in about 1 in every 25,000 births. It usually becomes obvious in early childhood and leads to death before middle age. There are currently no treatments available for any form of MPS, although enzyme replacement therapies are being researched and bone-marrow transplants have been tried on patients with MPS type I (Hurler syndrome) with some limited success. See also Hunter syndrome; Hurler syndrome; Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome; Morquio syndrome; Sanfilippo syndrome.